Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Daddy Daughter Party

img008 (1) Chris and Kennedy went to a Daddy Daughter party for Activity Days tonight. They came home really excited. They were practicing swing dancing in the living room for awhile afterwards. They also did some sort of race with the kids shoes on their dads heads and a few other things.

It's been a crazy few days around here, getting ready for my family to come this weekend, but it will be a good time. I also thought that we had everything in place for Carter to go to kindergarten at Spalding like his brother and sister, but things got thrown out the window. I'm not sure where we will be sending him now. Decisions, decisions.

In the meantime, Chris will be happy that I am actually taking responsibility for this blog, since it was my idea. Which I completely blame on my friend Amanda. He's been keeping his up to date and starting mine.

1 comment:

ManicMandee said...

I am so glad you are blogging! Good job. Is is ok if I put a link to you on my blog? Hope it goes well with your family in town.