Tuesday, May 20, 2014

So, I became "that" parent today at school ... and I don't even feel bad about it. I walked out on C's IEP meeting this afternoon. Yep, you heard me right. I just told them that it wasn't going to happen today and up and walked out. I figure I have that right when our meeting is set for 2:15 pm and they aren't ready and the middle school resource teacher doesn't even show up til after 2:35, which leaves us less than 25 minutes to discuss all his test results, discuss what he qualifies for next year, figure out what classes he's going to be taking and his schedule and if he's going to be going to general ed classrooms or with a small group or an aide. All this after this same lady cancelled the meeting we were supposed to have at the middle school last week to figure out most of this stuff out. Yep, 25 minutes isn't going to cut it for me when I'm sending my kid off to middle school with no idea of what to expect. So yep, I am that parent ... and I don't even feel bad about it.

So, what did I do. I walked out of the school and got in my car and proceeded to bawl my eyes out for the next 20 minutes. Drove around to where I pick up C and bawled some more and then came home and locked my door and crawled on my bed and pulled a blanked up over my head for another hour and a half. Sometimes it sucks to be a parent, especially a parent of a kid with learning issues and a parent whose spouse travels all the time and can't attend these crappy meetings with you. And then you look at your phone and realize that there is absolutely no one in your contact list you can call because no one on your contact list has ever had to deal with anything like this and won't get why it's so freaking hard. OK, done with my feel bad for me rant.

And now I'm back to trying to decide whether to send him to middle school, homeschool him through the state's virtual academy or do a combo of the two and just send him to the middle school or PE and other electives and do the heavy stuff at home. Guess I'll be doing a bunch of research in the next little bit. I guess this is why I went to college and graduated with the certification to teach grades 6-12. Little did I know I'd never use the knowledge in a school setting, but rather in my own home. And I guess the part of my patriarchal blessing about teaching may just be coming to fruition. Hopefully my sanity will survive whatever may come.

On to some fun stuff ... I promise my life doesn't completely suck all the time.

The Girl's JV lacrosse team took second place for the season ... I am so proud of her. She picked up the sport pretty quickly and had a great time. We've got her signed up to play club this summer, when we are around and fall.

She's the cutie to the right of the coach. He was pretty great. Most of these girls had never played before. The sport isn't sanctioned so we have a board that manages everything ... guess who they've talked to about being on the board next year ... that's right. Supposedly it's not supposed to take up tons of time. It should be fun though. She also got to dress with the varsity last week for one of their tournament games. Too bad I missed it, but it was for a good cause.
The Kid and I went for a road trip last week ... I picked him up from school after lunch on Thursday and we took off for McCall. So glad that the in-laws have a place we can crash at for the night on these road trips. We stopped at a place on the lake for dinner. He's such a crack-up when I go to take pictures of him
And then in the morning we headed for this place ...
Yep, we picked up the Boy from his first year at the U of I and moved him home for the summer. My house is now a disaster area, but it's nice to have him home ... for now. I think that he had a good year, finished this last semester with four A's and two B's. Pretty good. And this is how I'm sure I'll be seeing him for the next two months (okay, he did mow the lawn today).
I can't end this til I do a fitness update. I had my two year appointment at my dr.'s office today. I'm officially down 165 pounds. They are impressed and I am down more than they thought I would be at this point. I figure if I could get rid of the weight from the excess skin I'd be down lower than I was in high school. So, it was basically a good job and keep up the good work and we'll see you next year.
I picked up some new running shoes a few weeks ago. I'm probably about 30 miles or so into them and so far so good. No blisters so far. Yay!!
And I just have to document the mileage on my Nike Run app.